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At St Hilda’s our Cornerstone Curriculum is the cornerstone of our Personal Development and Spirituality programme. We want our pupils to flourish in body and mind and to develop the skills and values to enable them to experience life in all its fullness.  In order to achieve this our Cornerstone Curriculum has 4 key components:

  • Our relationship with ourselves
  • Our relationship with each other
  • Our relationship with the world around us
  • Our relationship with something greater than ourselves

These components are delivered:

  • in curriculum time including discreet PSHE and Citizenship lessons
  • in form period including ‘St Hilda’s reads’, collective worship and careers
  • in whole school events such as our annual Cornerstone Week held in the summer term.



The Cornerstone Team
Cornerstone Calendar
Cornerstone Bulletin
Cornerstone Week 2024
Cornerstone Week 2023


The Cornerstone Team

The Cornerstone Team is directed by our senior leaders and led by Mrs Martin, Head of RE and Christian Distinctiveness, alongside the Head of Careers, the School Chaplain, Head of Diversity, Curriculum leaders and Heads of House.

Our pupils are also members of the Cornerstone Team, led by the sixth form who work alongside our Diversity Champions, Worship Team, MVPs and House Captains.  Pupils are therefore able to influence and lead their own development programme.

Photo of Year 12 members of Cornerstone Team


Cornerstone Calendar

The Cornerstone Team collaboratively create the Cornerstone Calendar, which reflects our Christian distinctiveness and also celebrates key festivals of other faiths.  The calendar is themed around our House values, which determines the focus for each terms Personal Development programme in lessons and during form and the weekly Cornerstone Bulletin.  You can see the calendar for 2024 – 2025 below (please note that it can change according to the needs of pupils):

Cornerstone Calendar 2024 – 2025


Cornerstone Bulletin

The Cornerstone Bulletin is a weekly curriculum for form tutors to deliver including collective or form worship, careers, pastoral information and St Hilda’s Reads.

17th June 2024


Cornerstone Week 2024

Every year we collapse the timetable and create a bespoke Cornerstone Curriculum.  In 2024 our focus is Spiritual and Courageous advocates.  This is also the time when Year 9 take part in the Duke of Edinburgh programme and Year 10 and 12 go on Work Experience.  You can read about the what we did and why below:

Content to follow


Cornerstone Week 2023

In 2023, we focused on faith as a protected characteristic.  You can read about the what we did and why below:

DW 2023 Report MASTER - EDIT 3

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