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Safeguarding at St Hilda’s is paramount. The safety and wellbeing of our students, staff and visitors is our priority. All staff undertake annual training, alongside training on mental health, CSE, the Prevent agenda etc. There is one fully-trained Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr R. Bellmon, and five Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs S. Goodrum, Mrs J. Code, Mr J. Martin, Mrs K. Pritchard, and Mrs S Harrison. Mrs K. Pritchard is also the Designated Looked After Child Lead. Below is advice and information on safeguarding, please click to view these documents.

Safeguarding advice for visitors and volunteers

Keeping children safe in education

Child protection policy

The prevent strategy – information for parents


For more information, please click here.


Help and Support during the Summer Break

We hope you all have a lovely break. Please be aware that staff may have limited access to emails whilst school is closed.

If you require any help or support, the following is a small selection of organisations that may be useful to you:

Liverpool City Council – Child social care service
Contact us on 0151 459 2606 to:

  • Raise a concern about a child at risk (if a child is at immediate risk call 101 or 999 in an emergency).
  • Arrange an assessment of a child who is seriously ill or disabled, address the family’s needs and provide support.
  • Access advice and support from other services.
  • Request SEND (special educational needs and disability) early help including short breaks, direct payments, after school and holiday provision, carer’s assessments and support for sleep difficulties or any concerns about the child’s development.
  • Enquire about casework, individual child cases or other issues of a sensitive nature.
  • Get in touch with a social worker or specific social work team.


The following organisations may be of help:

CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health    Crisis Line 0151 293 3577

Young Minds – 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Support

Kooth – over 14s online counselling  14-25 year olds

Samaritans – 24/7 listening support    116 123

Childline – 24/7 support and advice     0800 1111


Summer self-care toolkits

The Anna Freud Centre have launched some self-care toolkits with links to resources that children and young people may find helpful over the summer. Please see the link below for more information:

You can also find a wide range of sources of support, advice and information on our Mental Health, Well-being and Safeguarding support page on the school website

In addition, at any time, you can report non-urgent safeguarding concerns to us using the SHARP system. This is an online school reporting system that is monitored by safeguarding staff. This should be used for logging non urgent concerns. It can be accessed through the school website by clicking on SHARP SYSTEM, under quick links on the left hand side of the home page. Then click on Make A Report at the top of the SHARP page. Please try and give us as much information as possible including your contact details if possible. However, you can remain anonymous if you wish. You can either submit an online form or send an email via the SHARP system. This will be picked up as soon as possible by a member of the safeguarding team. You can also click on the link below to take you directly to the school SHARP system:

Our safeguarding email address is:    [email protected]

Wishing you all a very safe and happy holiday.

Roy Bellmon Deputy Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead



Further advice and information

Please click on the agencies below to direct you to their websites for advice and information.

Childline  – Support and advice on a range of matters specifically aimed at young people

Bullybusters – Advice for students and parents if they are concerned about any aspect of bullying

CAMHS  – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

YPAS  – Young Person’s Advisory Service – offering a range of different services to young people including group sessions, individual counselling, therapeutic options and information giving

Young Minds  – Website in relation to the mental health of young people with advice guidance and support for young people and their families 

Family Support Directory – this page gives links to the range of services provided by Liverpool City Council


Tackle Child Abuse

Information is published by the DfE regarding the ‘Tackle Child Abuse’ campaign. It revisits the key message that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. Please click the following link for further information: