St. Hilda’s CE High school is proud to be taking part in Liverpool Counts Quality Mark.
The scheme aims:
• To Raise standards in Mathematics and numeracy with fun and joy of number at its heart
• To challenge perceptions and change attitudes towards number and mathematics
• To raise the profile of numeracy using activities, events and resources based on real-life
• To bring relevance to numeracy through problem solving, demonstrating it is an essential skill
Every Wednesday, students and staff have the opportunity to win prizes in the Weekly Maths Challenge! Reflection time is dedicated to discussing this week’s problem, with entries for the competition to be handed in by the end of the day each Friday. | ![]() |
- Individual students can win 10 house points and their song choice to play through the school speaker system
- The form with the most entries wins a box of sweets
- Staff can also win 10 house points, chocolate and display their certificate with pride
Twitter and Instagram
The Maths department are getting technical and now have an Instagram account running alongside its Twitter account! You are able to find us on both of these social media outlets at:
These are the best locations to see what we are doing with maths on a day to day basis, so give us a follow!
Mini Maths Leaders
Students from years 7 and 8 were invited to become mini maths leaders. Their role is to:
- Encourage participation in the Weekly Maths Challenge
- To generate and implement ideas for maths round school e.g. quizzes and competitions on key days
- To feedback on maths used in other subjects
- To encourage staff to update their “I used numeracy room plaques”
Rubik’s cube Club
Under the guidance of Mr Ndebu and previous apprentices, novices learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube. Once they graduate, students can improve their time and train new recruits.
Maths Clinic
Twice a week, after school, students can use laptops or get 1:1 help from a teacher on any topics they need help with. We often have extra help from year 10 and year 12 volunteers, strong mathematicians with good coaching skills. We strongly recommend students make personal study a habit: weekly revision of topics is far more effective than only revising in the run up to assessments. Or it is simply a place to come to do your maths homework.
Where’s the maths?
Since 2017 teachers in all subjects have been asking their classes “Where’s the maths in this?” Since 2018, volunteer students called “maths spotters”, armed with stickers, reward the teachers that use and discuss maths in their lessons.
Since the scheme started, it’s become clear that maths is used widely at St Hilda’s and that there is hot competition between teachers to lead the league table. |
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Dates for Your Diary!
Each year we make a point of celebrating the following days on the maths calendar
- NSPCC Number Day
- Pi Day
- Liverpool Maths Party Day
UK Mathematics Trust
The UK Mathematics trust, run by the University of Leeds, organise events aimed at higher ability children across the UK. St Hilda’s have participated fully over the last 5 years, giving challenge, stimulus and hopefully a love of maths for our high potential students. We have seen the number of certificates rise year on year with some students progressing to follow on rounds. The UKMT organise 2 distinct types of events: individual challenges sat in an exam setting internally, and team events held at a regional centre or school, which by contrast, can be a flurry of activity.